2018 TechCrunch Include Office Hours & “Women in Tech(Crunch)” Reception

Hosted by Greylock Partners and TechCrunch

Elisa Schreiber
3 min readSep 5, 2018


For the fourth year in a row as part of TechCrunch Disrupt San Francisco, Greylock partnered with TechCrunch to host an afternoon of career guidance, feedback and networking through Include Office Hours and the “Women in Tech(Crunch)” reception.

TechCrunch Include Office Hours

Founded in 2014, TechCrunch launched the Include Program in an effort to facilitate opportunities for underserved groups and founders. This year, Greylock investors Sarah Guo, Saam Motamedi, Matt Heiman and Seth Rosenberg met with a combined total of 24 underrepresented founders from industries including cybersecurity, fintech, AI, E-commerce, gaming and crypto. Each investor held twenty minute one-on-one meetings to provide these entrepreneurs with an opportunity to gain valuable insight and advice. These entrepreneurs include, but are not limited to, women, veterans, LGBTQ, Black, Latino/a, Asian, Native Americans and those with disabilities.

Women in Tech(Crunch) Reception

Following the Include Office Hours, TechCrunch and Greylock hosted our annual invitation-only reception for more than 240 female founders, product leaders, engineers, and investors.

Thank you to all of the companies and attendees for joining us at TechCrunch’s Include Office Hours and Women in Tech(Crunch). A huge thank you to TechCrunch for always being great partners and to the volunteers who helped make this event possible. Finally, we shared some of our favorite photos from this year’s reception below. If you are interested in learning more about TechCrunch’s Include Office Hours, please apply here.

We look forward to seeing you all again and many more in 2019 as the community continues to grow.



Partner @GreylockVC. BoD @NoodlesCompany. Smashing the patriarchy @AllRaise. Former @Hulu. Organized first @TEDx. Feminist. I do all my own stunts.